Lunch & Learn – Wednesday May 29th

WHAT:    CCNS Lunch & Learn Webinar: Burnout and Resiliency for Leaders.

WHERE:    Webinar

WHEN:   Wednesday, May 29th, 12-1pm AST

FACILITATOR: Dr. Daniel Warshafsky

Dr. Warshafsky is a Public Health and Sports Medicine Physician and a member of Cleveland Clinic Canada’s Medical Director Program. He currently also holds the role of Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Ontario and is an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and an Assistant Professor at Queen’s University’s Department of Family and Community Medicine.

Touchpoints: Between work, family and social and economic crises, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, this discussion highlights the link between stress and burnout, and how to build resiliency to cope with life’s stressors.

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May 29 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm